How to get good sleep ?

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Importance of good sleep

Today’s fast-paced world has forced has made a good night’s sleep something of a luxury. It has come down to the list of our other chores like work, social time, and entertainment.

But sleep should be considered as important as your physical and mental health, and food and water.

The need for sleep for the body is a recently engaged field. The researchers are looking for what happens to our body during sleep and why the process of sleep is so important.

We all know that sleep is very much needed for our well-being overall. We also know that lack of sleep can have serious implications for our bodies. It can impair thinking clearly, focusing, reacting, and controlling our emotions. This may give rise to serious problems in the workplace and at home.

Lack of sleep can result in diabetes, heart problems, obesity, and depression. It can also hamper the immune system decreasing the body’s capacity to fight against infection and other diseases.

The need for good sleep and sleeping habit changes with time and age. Younger children have more sleeping requirements than adults.

There are some factors that can influence how much sleep one needs. Genetics plays an important role in deciding how long you sleep. And the same genes can decide what you will face when you do not get enough sleep.

People with a good amount of sleep without getting up may require a little less sleep as compared to those who get up many times at night or have trouble staying asleep.

showing how animal is taking good sleep without any worries
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Sleep tips and tricks

Healthy sleep can go down a long way in maintaining good health overall.That is why good sleep is very important.

There are some tips and tricks for improving your sleep time

  1. Make a sleep routine

Having a constant bedtime and maintaining it can train your body to get enough good sleep. Try to follow the routine even on weekends, holidays, and vacations.

  • Do not allow pets in your room if you want to get good sleep

You may love sleeping with your pets but according to research pets are the reason for sleep disruption and people get a lower amount of sleep.

  • Cut on coffee intake

Coffee intake during day time may also result in not getting healty sleep at night. So try not to consume caffeine after mid-afternoon as tea, soft drink, and coffee including chocolate.

  • Keep your phone down

Try to avoid all electronic items one hour before sleep. The brightness of light may encourage your brain making sleep difficult.

  • Do not use a nightcap

Alcohol consumption should be avoided before going to sleep. The reason is that it interferes with the brainwaves and natural pattern of sleep. 

Good sleep is all about inculcating good habits.


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